Our Lady of Grace Parish is a Roman Catholic Parish within the Archdiocese of Philadelphia set in Bucks County. We are a Christian community founded on the principles of love and mercy set forth by the Life, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We strive to love our Lord and our neighbor both as individuals and as a community of believers.
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Welcome to OLG! Please stop by the IHM Center (parish offices), or refer to the instructions on our "How Do I Become a Member of Our Lady of Grace Parish?" page to register!
Emergency: Please call the Parish Office immediately: (215)-757-7700.
Communion Call: Please call the Parish Office: (215)-757-7700.
Hospital Visits: For a visit or for Sacraments, ask to see the resident chaplain or the priest assigned to the hospital. If you would like a visit from an OLG priest, please call the Parish Office: (215)-757-7700.
Baptisms take place at 12:00 PM on the Second and Fourth Sundays of the month. Pre-baptismal sessions are held the first Sunday of the month at 12:00 PM in the church for parents and godparents. Godparents will need a letter of eligibility from their home parish. Please call the DRE/PREP Office to begin this process: (215)-757-5530.
Congratulations on your engagement! Please call the Parish Office, (215)-757-7700, to make an appointment with one of the priests to set a date and begin the required six-month preparation period.
Our Lady of Grace School cultivates each child’s unique God-given gifts and talents by upholding the highest academic standards while instilling in all students a spirit of devotion and service in the Catholic tradition. OLG School provides a safe and vibrant environment where the community is family.
For more information about Our Lady of Grace School, please visit www.olgschoolpenndel.org, or call the office at (215)-757-5287.
Our Lady of Grace runs a vibrant PREP program for children in Pre-K to Level 8. We have several options for PREP that you may choose from: Tuesday nights during the school year; a week-long Summer PREP program; or a monthly Family PREP program. Please call the DRE/PREP Office for more information: (215)-757-5530.
Are you or someone you know interested in finding out more about the Catholic faith? Or, are you interested in volunteering with RCIA? Please contact our DRE, Christine Flack, at (215)-757-5530, or [email protected].
Our Lady of Grace has a youth group that meets regularly throughout the school year: “Rise” for those in grades 6-8, and “Ignite” for those in grades 9-12. Teens are welcome to join us anytime! Please contact our Pastoral Associate, Maddie Appleby, for more information at [email protected] or (215)-757-7700.
For change of address, collection envelopes, letters of eligibility,
and any other questions or concerns:
Please call the Parish Office at (215)-757-7700.